We exist to empower you and remind you that your ancestors are always cheering you on! We're a lifestyle brand that builds community and celebrates cultura every day!

our story
JZD started in 2016 because we felt like we needed a reminder of our power.
Our first successful product is the now iconic Pink Latina Power Tee.
When that tee blew up we realized that so many of you felt the same way. At that moment we decided to focus on creating products that made us feel represented and connected to our roots.
Introduce your brand, products and vision statement and welcome customers to your store.
2014 was a BIG year for Jen and Vero to say the least. Jen and Vero got married AND started JZD with no money, no furniture in their apartment and a steady diet of ramen noodles. In November of 2014 Jen created the Pink Latina Power Tee that launched JZD on Etsy.

This isn’t an overnight success story by any means.
There were times when Jen and Vero had to pawn their computer to make rent. After countless sleepless nights and tears shed things started looking brighter.
2017 brought the website that you’re scrolling through right now. Little by little JZD started to grow. Eventually JZD expanded beyond tees and introduced products that had long been requested by the community.
JZD came to life at a unique time on the internet where Instagram became the main form of connection for people. Jen knew she had to utilize this new tool to make the most of her new business. This brought the JZD community that is known and loved today.
With each new collection and product launch JZD gets the input of their community and customers. You are part of everything JZD does!
In 2018 Vero quit her job to save her own mental health. She worked on the front lines of helping immigrant children find relief to stay in the US and it was as taxing as you can imagine. JZD wasn’t financially ready for another full time employee but the badass wife duo made it work.
Jen moved to the US from Mexico at 7 years old and Vero is a first generation Mexican-American. Both women know what it means to sacrifice for a better future and held steady in uncertain times because they knew they could make it through.
So now it’s 2025 and JZD continues to be a safe space for Latino communities and our LGBTQIA+ community.
We exist because of you and for you.
There are now 10 people on the team and so many big things coming up for your favorite Queer Latina owned lifestyle brand.